
The Vanildo Silveira Research Group is part of the Biotechnology Laboratory/CBB/UENF. The group's research activities are carried out in the Integrative Biology Unit (Bioint). Bioint features a 125 m² space equipped with a complete infrastructure for conducting both gel-free and gel-based proteomic analysis on a large scale and plant tissue culture projects. In the proteomics sector, the unit has two Mass Spectrometers: the first, a Synapt G2 Si (Q-TOF/IMS; Waters) coupled to a nanoAcquity UPLC (Waters). The second mass spectrometer is a Xevo TQ XS (Waters) coupled to an Acquity UPLC iClass. There is a complete infrastructure for plant tissue culture. The unit also offers a complete infrastructure of smaller auxiliary equipment, such as nanoDrop, centrifuges, sample concentrator, balances, ELISA/luminescence/fluorescence reader, MiSeq DNA analyzer, thermal cyclers, stereomicroscopes, and microscopes. 

Bioint has been deeply engaged in fostering research project collaborations at both national and international levels. Serving five postgraduate programs at UENF, including Biociences and Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Science, Genetics and Plant Breeding, and Plant Production, Bioint has established itself as a cornerstone of academic research. Our proteomics department has notably collaborated with 23 researchers from UENF and 26 researchers from 19 other esteemed institutions such as Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Jaume I, EMBRAPA (PR and RJ), UEFS, UFES, UFPR, UFRGS, UFRJ, UFRRJ, UFSC, UFV, UNICAMP, UNIFESP, UNIRIO, UNIVATES, USP (IB and IQ), and UVV. These collaborations, particularly in the field of comparative proteomics, have culminated in the publication of numerous original papers, master's dissertations, and doctoral theses, significantly contributing to the enhancement of postgraduate programs at UENF and affiliated institutions. 

We invite interested parties to contact us to explore the various scientific collaboration opportunities available with Bioint.


Synapt G2 Si mass spectrometer

Proteomic Analysis

Bioint offer comprehensive proteomic analysis services. Our workflow for comparative proteomic analysis encompasses a range of state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies designed to meet the diverse needs of our partners. The process begins with protein extraction, utilizing either Urea/Thiourea buffer or trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone precipitation methods. This is followed by tryptic digestion of proteins, employing either the filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) method or in-solution digestion, ensuring thorough and efficient processing.  For mass spectra acquisition, we utilize a nanoACQUITY UPLC coupled to a Synapt G2 Si Q-TOF instrument (Waters), operated in both positive and resolution modes (mode V). This setup incorporates ion mobility and data-independent acquisition (DIA) mode (HDMSE) to capture comprehensive mass spectra with high accuracy and detail. The subsequent processing of mass spectra, database search, and label-free quantification are performed using PLGS and ISOQuant software, or Progenesis QI for Proteomics, depending on the specific requirements of the analysis. Our standard workflow output includes detailed Excel tables listing all proteins and peptides identified, complete with differential accumulation analysis based on t-test and fold change variations, providing clear and actionable insights. We are flexible in adapting our standard workflow to accommodate specific research needs and objectives. Please contact us to discuss types of collaboration. 

Somatic embryogenesis protocol development

Bioint is at the forefront of plant biotechnology, offering specialized services in somatic embryogenesis protocol development. Our facility is equipped with comprehensive infrastructure for plant tissue culture, supporting a broad spectrum of research and development projects. Our team of experts has developed a streamlined workflow to design and optimize somatic embryogenesis protocols tailored to meet the unique needs of our partners.At Bioint, we specialize in developing somatic embryogenesis protocols tailored to the needs of the agricultural and biotechnological sectors. Our state-of-the-art plant tissue culture facility is geared towards the efficient development of protocols for species like sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), papaya (Carica papaya), and passionfruit (Passiflora edulis), among others. Our streamlined process includes explant selection, customized media formulations for embryo induction, and advanced culture systems for the growth, maturation of somatic embryos and acclimatization of emblings for successful protocols. Bioint offers comprehensive support and detailed protocol documentation to partners, facilitating the application of somatic embryogenesis in their projects. Our aim is to advance plant biotechnology through collaborative innovation. Please contact us to discuss types of collaboration. 

Xevo TQ XS mass spectrometer

Targeted Metabolomics Service

Bioint offers an advanced Targeted Metabolomics Service, utilizing the newly acquired Xevo TQ XS mass spectrometer for precise metabolite quantification and method development using Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM). Our service is tailored to the specific needs of each project, from method development to sample preparation and metabolite quantification. We specialize in the analysis of plant hormones and global DNA methylation, providing detailed insights into plant biology and epigenetics. Please contact us to discuss types of collaboration.