Research Areas

Somtic embryogenesis

Somatic Embryogenesis

Somatic embryogenesis is a biotechnological approach primarily used for clonal propagation, germplasm conservation, and as a source material for genetic editing and transformation of various plants worldwide. It is a morphogenetic process analogous to zygotic embryogenesis, wherein single cells or a small group of somatic cells act as precursors to somatic embryos that develop into emblings. This plasticity in plants demonstrates true cellular totipotency and is considered the best approach among genetic transformation protocols used for plant regeneration. Despite the significance of somatic embryogenesis, knowledge about the control of this process is still limited. The Vanildo Silveira Research Group is developing projects aimed at elucidating the biochemical and molecular processes associated with the acquisition of competence by callus and differentiation of somatic embryos. The group primarily works with species of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), papaya (Carica papaya), and passionfruit (Passiflora edulis), among other species.

Plant Proteomics

Plant Proteomics

One of the main advantages of the proteomic approach in biotechnological projects is its ability to provide molecular-level information about the effective expression of genetic information, within the context of functional genomics. Comparative proteomics in plants begins with the identification and/or characterization of differentially accumulated proteins associated with specific responses at molecular, physiological, and biochemical levels. Broadly speaking, the application of comparative proteomics can lead to the identification of potential targets and marker candidates, advancing the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in certain responses and elucidating the physiological and molecular bases of various biological phenomena. The Vanildo Silveira Research Group develops several projects integrating proteomic tools to study the in vitro morphogenesis of plants, focusing primarily on gel-free comparative shotgun proteomics approaches. The laboratory is equipped with two high-resolution mass spectrometers: a Synapt G2 Si and a Xevo TQ XS, both from Waters Corporation .


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